“Editeur de son” is the french translation of “Sound editor” by ROBERT G. (aka “Bob”) SMITH.
As usual, this is the first time this program is preserved and it’s only at Atarinside 🙂
“Editeur de son” is the french translation of “Sound editor” by ROBERT G. (aka “Bob”) SMITH.
As usual, this is the first time this program is preserved and it’s only at Atarinside 🙂
The french LOGO is now 100% complete with all the documentation digitized !
“Introduction à la programmation via le graphique tortue” is now available for the first time (146p).
Again a new Atari Germany title preserved for the first time ! With a special thought for Kathleen O’Brien and Paul Laughton 😉
Pascal – DXG 20102 is another “Atari Germany” title preserved at Atarinside, including the scan of the booklet (140 pages) !
Questions et réponses is another new “Atari France” title preserved at Atarinside.
As usual you won’t find it anywhere else but here ! 🙂
Insectivore concentration (Disk) is a new Atari France title at Atarinside !
Terminkalender – DXG 5047 is a new Atari Germany title at Atarinside !
Once again the rarest softwares published by Atari Germany is at your disposal for the 1st time !This is another victory for the preservation of European Atari software ! 😎
Himmelschreiber (aka Himmelsschreiber) – DXG 5704 is a new Atari Germany title at Atarinside !
Once again it’s one of the rarest software published by Atari Germany dumped here for you for the 1st time, another victory for Atari software preservation ! 😎
The cover above is a home made one because the original is still lost in time, i hope you’ll like it 😉
And again : Thanks to all the German Atari community for their help on this one !
Stati e capitali d’Europa (aka Paesi e capitali di Europa) is a new Atari Italy title at Atarinside !
This is the floppy version.
With a special thought for all our Italian friends!