Ingenious Adventure Program produced by Atari
Explore the dangerous streets of downtown New Jersey in this exciting adventure game.
It’s tough on the streets of New Jersey. Hard to make an hinest buck – and event harder to make a dishonest one.
You’re in trouble -big Trouble spelt with a capital “T”. You know that there’s no messin’ with Luigi – he’s no gem.
You control tour movement aroud the dangerous streets by using the familiar vers-nous instructions, e.g. CLIMB PIPE or GO COUNTER.
The most frequently used direction commands may be abbreviated to just one letter, e.g. N,S,E,W.
Loading instructions
Place the diskette in your drive.
Turn on the disk drive, then your computer. (Atari Basic Required).
The program will now load and run automatically.
Youcan save your current position by simply typing “SAVE”
At the beginning of each game you have the opportunity to restore a previously saved game.
Developer : Pete Sleeman and Steve Calkin Date : 1984 Distributed by: ATARI CORP. Software Product Division. Slough, Berks. Dump:Download – Source Atarinside – .Pro format (with protection log) Notes: No known translation. No booklet included (Was sold without documentation). Other translations : – How to run : Enable Disk SIO Patch if you don’t want to wait. Walkthrough :